Running Wookie from a USB Stick¶
While having Wookie installed on your machine is a relatively trivial task to setup, there may be some situations where also having a Wookie environment on a removable USB pen/flash drive could be handy. Having such a Wookie setup allows you to plug and play Wookie on more than one machine.
The most simple method to create such an environment would be to use one of the current Wookie standalone builds and configure that to run from your USB drive. Another more slightly complicated method might be to install the Wookie source code onto your USB drive, along with any developer tools needed to compile and run that code. What follows are some instructions on how you might go about doing these tasks.
In order to run Wookie from a USB drive, we assume that you would also want to install a JDK onto your drive (in case another machine does not have Java already installed). However, bear in mind that because of the differences in Java implementations on various platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Linux etc), you may be limited to a windows/Mac OS/Linux portable version. It may be possible to install more than one JDK onto your USB drive to achieve a cross platform version, but this guide does not try to describe such an environment.
Making a USB drive environment from a Wookie standalone build (Windows only)¶
- If you haven't already, install a JDK to your local machine. Download a Java JDK (note the JRE is not sufficient)
- Find the folder where your JDK is installed locally. For example it may be found at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24
- Create a new "Java" folder at the ROOT of your USB drive. (e.g F:\Java) Copy the contents of C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24 to F:\Java.
- If you haven't already, download the latest Wookie Standalone build. Download
- Unzip the download to the ROOT of your USB drive. This should create a new folder. (e.g F:\apache-wookie-0.11.0-incubating-standalone)
- Next you will need to modify Wookies startup.bat and shutdown.bat scripts First find the file F:\apache-wookie-0.11.0-incubating-standalone\startup.bat and open it to edit.
- You should now be able to use the USB installed version of the JDK to run Wookie on another Windows machine. Just double click the startup.bat/shutdown.bat scripts to start/stop Wookie.
Under the line...
...add the following two lines underneath...
set pathDrive=%cd:~0,2%
set PATH=%PATH%;%pathDrive%\Java\bin
Under the line...
REM under the License.
...also add the same two lines underneath...
set pathDrive=%cd:~0,2%
set PATH=%PATH%;%pathDrive%\Java\bin
Making a USB drive Developer environment for Wookie sources¶
The previous instructions described how to use an existing build of Wookie to create a USB Wookie environment. Additionally, it is also possible to create a developer environment on a USB stick. This means you would be able to change the source code and update it, as well as receiving new updates to the code from other developers. To do this you would have to download and install some additional software to your USB stick, namely an SVN client and also Apache Ant.
Martin Hawksey has written an excellent guide on his blog detailing the process of creating such an environment for windows. See his blog here.