2016/04/10 - Apache Wookie has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

New and Noteworthy: 0.13.1

Single "deploy" location

There is no longer separate "wservices" and "deploy" folders; instead, widgets are unpacked directly into the deploy folder.

Locked domains

For added security, each widget instance can be viewed from a unique origin (using subdomains), preventing cross-widget communication and scripting attacks. Locked domains are disabled by default; configuration instructions can be found in widgetserver.properties.

Improved OAuth Support

Improved integration of oAuth authorization into workflow. Fixed oAuth feature problems with Google APIs.

Widget Automatic Updates

Wookie now supports automatic updating of widgets, implementing the Widget Updates spec, allowing widgets to be updated as new versions are released. Update checks can be configured to run hourly, daily or weekly. By default automatic updates are disabled; Configuration instructions can be found in widgetserver.properties.